III. Gunas
Disciple: What Guna is found in the physical body?
Guru: Tamoguna.
Disciple: What Guna is found in the Pranamaya Kosha?
Guru: Rajoguna.
Disciple: What is the Guna found in the Manomaya Kosha?
Guru: Sattva mixed with Tamas.
Disciple: What is the Guna found in the Vijnanamaya Kosha?
Guru: Sattva mixed with Rajas.
Disciple: What is the Guna found in the Anandamaya Kosha?
Guru: Sattva, technically called the Malina-Sattva (mixed with Rajas and Tamas) in contrast with Suddha-Sattva of which Maya is the embodiment.
Disciple: Where are the Karmendriyas located?
Guru: In the Pranamaya Kosha.
Disciple: Where are the Jnanendriyas located?
Guru: In the Manomaya Kosha.
Disciple: Where does Jnanasakti rest?
Guru: In the Vijnanamaya Kosha.
Disciple: Where does Iccha Sakti rest?
Guru: In the Manomaya Kosha (mind).
Disciple: Where does Kriya Sakti rest?
Guru: In the Pranamaya Kosha.
Disciple: Please illustrate the function of Jnana Sakti, Iccha Sakti and Kriya Sakti.
Guru: You get knowledge of milk through intellect. You come to know that milk nourishes the body. This is the work of the Jnana Sakti of the Vijnanamaya Kosha. Then a desire arises in the mind to possess milk. This is the work of the Iccha Sakti or the Manomaya Kosha. Then you exert to obtain milk. This is the work of the Kriya Sakti of the Pranamaya Kosha.
Disciple: What Guna is found in the physical body?
Guru: Tamoguna.
Disciple: What Guna is found in the Pranamaya Kosha?
Guru: Rajoguna.
Disciple: What is the Guna found in the Manomaya Kosha?
Guru: Sattva mixed with Tamas.
Disciple: What is the Guna found in the Vijnanamaya Kosha?
Guru: Sattva mixed with Rajas.
Disciple: What is the Guna found in the Anandamaya Kosha?
Guru: Sattva, technically called the Malina-Sattva (mixed with Rajas and Tamas) in contrast with Suddha-Sattva of which Maya is the embodiment.
Disciple: Where are the Karmendriyas located?
Guru: In the Pranamaya Kosha.
Disciple: Where are the Jnanendriyas located?
Guru: In the Manomaya Kosha.
Disciple: Where does Jnanasakti rest?
Guru: In the Vijnanamaya Kosha.
Disciple: Where does Iccha Sakti rest?
Guru: In the Manomaya Kosha (mind).
Disciple: Where does Kriya Sakti rest?
Guru: In the Pranamaya Kosha.
Disciple: Please illustrate the function of Jnana Sakti, Iccha Sakti and Kriya Sakti.
Guru: You get knowledge of milk through intellect. You come to know that milk nourishes the body. This is the work of the Jnana Sakti of the Vijnanamaya Kosha. Then a desire arises in the mind to possess milk. This is the work of the Iccha Sakti or the Manomaya Kosha. Then you exert to obtain milk. This is the work of the Kriya Sakti of the Pranamaya Kosha.
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